Here's a dumb little building that is smarter than it looks precocious
even, with a sporty outrigger canopy above the front door and a rippling
red wall that explodes beside a busy urban street.
Designed by Dallas architect Dan
Shipley, this tiny (1,700-square-foot) studio is the latest addition to
the 5501 Columbia Art Center, founded in 1992 by folklorist Alan Govenar
and his wife, Kaleta Doolin. The couple originally hired Mr. Shipley to
convert a 1918 firehouse into offices and exhibition spaces, then brought
him back a few years later to design a warehouse and photo archive next
door. The studio, at the corner of Columbia Avenue and Augusta Street,
houses the center's Art in the Neighborhood program, which brings schoolchildren
and professional artists together for weekend workshops. The program started
with two workshops and this year will sponsor five, thanks to a National
Endowment for the Arts grant and support from the city's Office of Cultural
Affairs. The first ones took place in the firehouse, until cleaning up
all the glitter and spilled paint began to interfere with other programs.
"The coordination became impossible
so we decided to create another space," says
Ms. Doolin, who has two degrees in art. "Children in urban neighborhoods
are underserved. The schools 1 visit don't have art classes, so this is
away to turn children on to painting and drawing in an informal way."
Mr. Shipley calls the studio a 'hinge
building' that connects two parts of a fluid East
Dallas neighborhood. On one side is a narrow street lined with modest
single-family houses that date from the 1920s and '30s; on the other are
dense apartment blocks and a six-lane boulevard. The studio responds to
both scales. Its gray shingles and suspended canopy recall the older neighborhood,
including the corner grocery store, while the broad red wall has the blunt
simplicity of a freeway billboard. Un mistakable at 50 mph, it also picks
up the colors and textures of the firehouse across the street.
The studio cost only $150,000 and
might have been strictly utilitarian, like the garages and tire shops
that line Columbia and adjacent streets. Mr. Shipley's skillful detailing
has lifted it above the neighborhood norm without making it seem out of
place. The exterior consists of corrugated, shingles and treated pine-
about as basic as you can get. The interior is a large open room with
a concrete floor, ceiling
trusses from Home Depot and large windows that flood the space with light.
The windows are actually clear polycarbonate panels designed to resist
the stray rock or bullet. The children have plenty of room to make and
display their art, including metal doors that close over windows to create
additional pinup spaces. A narrow side yard has been converted into a
play area for the obligatory breaks.
Mr. Shipley speaks of the studio as just another building that takes its
place alongside everything else on Columbia. "It's there and not
there," he says. 'You can't tell if it was designed or just happened."
But modesty is only part of the story. Like the rest of the 5501 Columbia
Art Center, the studio sends a message that the arts are part of daily
life and available to everyone. In a changing neighborhood, it is
impossible to overstate the importance of that message. |